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art by Rich Longmore |
It’s that time of year when we get together to design a 13th
Age monster!
Saturday, September 12, at 11 a.m. PT, 2:00 p.m ET, join 13th Age writers Liz Argall, J-M DeFoggi, Wade Rockett, and me as we juggle your brainstorms to create a memorable 13th Age monster.
Register now . . . for How To Design a Monster in 13th Age.
Previously in Our Workshop
The last time we ran the workshop in person, the crowd whooped through a giddy gauntlet of drinking puns towards the monster we ended up calling a booze ooze! The full write-up is slated to appear in the Dwarf King chapter of the Icon Followers book I’ve been working on. Here’s a piece of the text along with the lower-level version of the booze ooze wrecker. There’s also a spoiler version that's loaded with puns and a couple varieties of mooks.
Origin Stories
Sometimes, what’s wrong is a side-effect of
magic spells that shouldn’t have been fired off near the brewery. Other times
no one knows what went wrong, underworld hazards, so much harder to cope with
than the problems faced by the weakling human brewers on the surface.
So hi ho, oh no, to the underworld we go, where bits and batches of ale-that’s-off is disposed of sloppily and with no thought for what it’s been poured upon. Down grates and dwarven pour-holes and into pits where things live and drink. Things like oozes!
Affectionate Booze Ooze
It’s not fighting you. It’s celebrating.
Large 5th
level wrecker [ooze]
Initiative: +7
Double-fisted approval +10 vs. AC (2 attacks)—16 damage
Lurch’n’hug’em +10 vs. PD—40 damage, and target is stuck until the end of its
next turn
Special targeting: To use this attack, the booze ooze must be able to move. Pick a random nearby enemy the booze ooze appears able to reach with a move. The booze ooze uses its move action to engage that target, then makes this attack.
Flows where it likes: The ooze is immune to opportunity attacks.
Ooze: The ooze is immune to effects. When an attack or other ability applies a condition to an ooze (dazed, hampered, weakened, ongoing damage, etc.), that condition doesn’t affect it.
Resist acid 16+, resist poison 16+: Acid or poison attacks that roll less than a natural 16 deal half damage to the booze ooze.
Whoozy: A non-ooze that starts its turn engaged with the affectionate booze ooze takes 5 ongoing poison damage.
AC 20
PD 19 HP
MD 14
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