Our Wednesday night gaming group
stepped away from 13th Age
games for about a year to play many short campaigns of Jonathan’s new Over the Edge.
We had fun with the initial draft,
but I don’t think the first mechanics entirely worked for the group. A WMD-user
named Ann Thunder was our nemesis in that campaign. We were all
supposedly savvy agents but the storyline was eventually titled Ann Thunder Escapes. Ann Thunder had our
Our second long campaign went much
better, though the mechanics were still in flux. We’d made jokes about our PCs
running a sandwich shop together, and when the player who loved that joke wasn’t
at the table the night we created characters, we gave him his wish! We called
our shop Bread, Beef, & Beyond. The ‘beyond’ included a bomb-maker whose
bombs changed people for the better and a transhumanist geneticist. Now that I
think of it, the plot also hinged on the moment a ritually-augmented cow took
an accidental plunge off the top of a university building, so there was more beef
involved than I’d realized.
The next long campaign is where the
mechanics came together wonderfully. We (well, maybe that’s largely me) stopped
getting knocked out of roleplaying rhythm to question the mechanics. The roleplaying
took off. This final version of OTE faultlessly handled our four diverse PCs
going off in different directions, having full arc-closing experiences, and looping
back together in a central plot. I’m hoping we return to this campaign some
day, we were either going to get thoroughly messed up by the Temple of Divine Experience
or just maybe we could come out on top. Or both!
The Kickstarter runs another four
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