Monday, March 3, 2025

trumpelon Aims to Shoot the Moon

If you play Hearts, you’ll recognize the strategy of the USA’s current White House.

The goal of Hearts is to avoid taking points; 1 point for each of the 13 Hearts, 13 points for taking the Queen of Hearts. A player with an extremely powerful hand can skip the niceties and try to shoot the moon, to win every trick, taking the Queen and all the Hearts. Instead of hurting themselves with 26 points, they give 26 miserable points to every other player.

Shooting the moon is hard. Most of the time, at least one opponent has high Hearts or the ability to control the Queen. You’re taking a big chance, and part of what you’re gambling on is that the opponents who could stop you won’t, that they won’t be willing to take a smaller hit to prevent everyone else from taking a giant hit.

And that’s our situation in 2025 America. The hybrid entity I’m referring to as ‘trumpelon’ doesn’t control everything it needs to avoid honest elections and keep power indefinitely, but with every heavily compromised or unqualified sycophant cabinet-member that gets approved by lawmakers willing to deliberately vote away their own power, trumpelon gets closer to shooting the moon.

An enemy of the free world has taken office, and people who prefer democracy are hoping that judges, governors, military commanders, lawmakers, Republican lawmakers, and others with capacity to resist will choose to take a hit, to suffer some smaller pain resisting so that we aren’t all taking all 26 points of subjugation.

Threats of trumpelon funding campaigns to remove incumbents from office has been enough to keep Senate and House Republicans from objecting to policies they don’t agree with. It’s likely to get worse. As this article from the Guardian reports, Republicans now fear violence against themselves and their families. Pardoning the people who violently attacked the government en masse on trumpelon’s first day surely hammers that point in.

So does confirming an FBI director who seems likely to play as trumpelon’s personal police. (You can’t even say ‘secret police’ because it’s right out there in the open.)

This blog post starts with game mechanics, applies them to politics, and loops back to my own family dynamics. My Estonian refugee father never played cards, but he did study the fall of the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazis. His dissertation, if he had managed to write it, was about how the politicians of the Weimar Republic had capitulated when there was no need, they’d squandered the powers they possessed in hasty surrenders when Hitler’s moves were largely bluff.

So here we are again. It’s not all bluff, but it’s not all actual power, and every capitulation plays into trumpelon’s moon shot.

Friday, February 14, 2025

13th Age 2E Pages: Little Demons

For the next few weeks, I’m going to share two-page spreads from 13th Age 2E. The images are showing up first as Kickstarter updates. Here in my blog, I’ll post notes on game design and mechanics. If it sounds fun and you didn’t get in on the Kickstarter, you can find the game on Backerkit.

This first slice from the Gamemaster’s Guide Monsters chapter is the second spread in the Demons section, with artist Pat Loboyko bringing the stampede that convinced us to hire him for all the demon illustrations.

Dretches: Just because they’re the smallest demons doesn’t mean they’re harmless, and in fact that sentiment changed how we’d handled things in 1E. The first time around, the dretch was a 3rd level mook. Jonathan hated that, observing that demons should be truly scary the first time heroes encounter them. Maybe dretches are pathetic to other demons, but they’re not pathetic to adventurers. So now the dretch is a standard monster, and if they appear in large numbers, the group terror ability will make them scary for nearly any outnumbered and surrounded player character.

Claw demons: The claw demon is imported from Book of Demons. The 2E modification limits the number of possible attacks against a single target, so the claw demon wants to engage multiple foes. That’s especially true if it’s using the new nastier special that deals damage to engaged enemies that miss it with an attack. That’s another element that spreads the damage out instead of potentially focusing it all on one target.

Gloranthan Options: This page is one of the few notes that specifically mentions 13th Age Glorantha. Since 2E is still entirely compatible with 1E, 13G’s monsters and rune blessings and even its classes are compatible with 2E games.

Chatty style: 2E still includes designer sidebars where Jonathan and I express specific opinions, but we ended up with fewer such sidebars in this edition. Not because we have less to say, more because that back-and-forth style now sometimes shows up in rules text. The Random Abyssal Defense paragraph is an example, pointing out in its first sentence that this is one of Jonathan’s preferences. In the last sentence I acknowledge that I usually skip it. Battles I prepare are usually already on the complicated side and I don’t usually need the extra defense to mix things up. Which is the way we want it: 13th Age GMs have options. There are usually a couple reasonable approaches to creating an exciting session.